Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Special Day

Yesterday was such an special and exciting day! Two of our students, Celsete(7) and Juan Carlos(11) asked Jesus into their hearts!!!! Juan Carlos has been here for three years and Celeste for 1 1/2 years. We have been praying for them and teaching them for so long and finally they understand! Now we will be seeing them in heaven! It is always so exciting when your students finally realize that they have sin in their life and that Jesus is the only one that can offer them that healing forgiveness. We also had an amazing rainbow yesterday! Unfortunatly I couldn't get a picture of the whole thing. All the girls, one of the teachers and I ran around trying to find that best place to take a picture. As you can see the little girls had alot of fun but came back very muddy. Oh, well where's the fun in staying clean all the time. Cloths will wash and little girls can be showered.