Friday, December 19, 2008


It started off as a normal Saturday. The girls were showering for church, when one of my older girls Joselyn started to help Lesly blow dry her hair. She looked down and what did she find lice bugs crawling around in her hair! Alana and I spent the next eleven hours going through Lesly's hair, not getting to bed until after 3:30am! Poor Lesly was falling asleep from exhaustion. She didn't get out of bed until that afternoon. The problem with one girl having lice was that we have fourteen other girls who might have had it too. Sunday morning after church was spent washing bedding, clothes, checking and shampooing the other girls for lice. Thankfully only one other girl had them. Marisol had very few nits compared to Lesly, we were done going through her hair in an hour. Most of the female staff came to help out. We've been going through Lesly's hair everyday finding a few that we missed. Hopefully we will find and kill them all so that she doesn't have another outbreak. A dorm full of lice is the last thing I need.

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