Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Life on the "Homestead"

Just like the past couple years, in addition to the day to day school life we are still continuing on with Bible Classes, cooking class, and learning “homesteading” skills by caring for our small garden and chickens. This year we may be adding a few goats! Which will allow us to have fresh milk to drink, make ice cream and cheese. The homesteading projects has always been a things that only the girls and I did but the school principle Johnny, his wife Amber and I are hoping to get the boys involved and make it a Ranch wide project.

I think it is so important for the kids, especially the girls to learn things like gardening, baking, chickens and making cheese because they are viable ways for them to make money and start their own bussines when they leave our school. Mexico overall looks down on the Deaf making it hard for deaf men to find empolyment. It is even more difficuilt for women to find work. That is why being self imployed can have it’s benefits. 

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